Born 03/09/26 St. Joseph, Missouri. I left St. Joseph in the middle of my senior year of High School and came to California with my mother.
I found it necessary to quit school and went to work in the aircraft industry. Upon reaching the age of eighteen I became a member of the Army Air Corp, serving in the Aleutian Islands (Shemya) till the end of the war, then in the army of occupation in Japan until completion of my tour.
In the fall of 1948 I began studies at the U of Kansas where my father was resident. While in school I met and married Joan Elizabeth Johnson who is the mother of our four sons and my wife of 62 years.
Upon graduating with a BS in physics we moved to California where I worked in the Aerospace Industry until I retired in 1983. During this time we lived in Tustin, and reared our four sons.
We now have 7 grandchildren ranging in age from 11-30yrs. I played tennis sporadically through the years almost always in the evening. In the late eighties I could no longer play nights so I sought a day game and found the Tustin Tennis Club. Cataract surgery allowed night tennis again and I enjoyed the evening tournaments.
Recently I found playing nights difficult and four sets impossible. I am now content to play two and sometimes three sets mornings.